So how do you make every photo enthusiast sit up and want to buy the ultra premium vivoX70?

The Task

Capture the imagination of the photography enthusiasts in a way that has never been done before.
The ultimate camera that exists is a DSLR and what DSLR can do with wildlife photography. A typical DSLR with give a smooth bokeh, terrific image separation and superb reach through zoon lenses.
The ultimate test of a good DSLR is when the camera is put through a test on capturing the wildlife safari.
A wildlife safari became the ultimate narrative for the brand. The commercial was shot in Kruger National Park, South Africa. We shot the film there as it gave us a wide spectrum of animals in wild and allowed us to showcase the full capability of the device.
The commercial was shot in South Africa with an international crew that is well versed with shooting wildlife.
No one travelled from India, as the COVID pandemic was going on, but each frame was carefully storyboarded so as to capture the film exactly as intended. Rob Kaplan, the director, travelled from London to shoot the film, the grading and post was all done in India.

vivoX70 is the most premium range in the brand that has optics developed by Carl Zeiss. This makes the camera and the processor of the brand deliver absolutely stunning quality images and videos. With a gimbal onboard, the pictures are super stable and the low light performance is so good, that it can capture images in zero lux.
